"He isn't a real boss until he has trained subordinates to shoulder most of his responsibilities." - William Feather
"teamwork makes the team work!"

Stacy Francis
Role: Lab Manager
favorite hobby:
troubleshooting i.t. problems

ligi paul, phd
Role: Staff scientist
graduate institution:
the ohio state university
currently reading:
"inside the mind of reviewer #3"
"No, you have to take that off. I can't be quoted as saying that."
- Keith Joung

Giulia oliva, Phd
Graduate Institution:
Pasteur institutE/sorbonne university
Research Interest: gene editor delivery
dad joke:
I am afraid of big insects, especially gi-ANTs

esther tak, phd
graduate institution:
University of Southern California
Research Interest:
Epigenome Editing
dead-lift grip:

Tianduo wang, phd
graduate institution: Western university
research interests: delivery, delivery, delivery.......and some Synbio
go-to move: euro-step

graduate institution:
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics
Research Interest:
high throughput PCR (Pipette, Cry, Repeat)
Favorite Activity:
Almost 3 chin-ups

SeHee PARK, phd
graduate institution: University of california davis

Tasos Gogakos, MD, phd
graduate institution/medical school: Weill cornell medicine, rockefller university, memorial sloan kettering cancer center
favorite quote: i used to do (science). i still do, but i used to, too

graduate institution/medical school: cold spring harbor school of biological sciences, university of Lisbon
When in water: backstroke

cristina dabaco
alma mater:
cornell university
Research Interest: Gene editing and RNA biology
Ask me about: roller skiing (and the injuries that come along with it)
"whistle while you work"

eliza jane holtz
alma mater:
umass amherst
Research Interest:
teeny genome editors
least favorite lab rule: no crocs allowed :(

paolo Padova
alma mater:
tufts university
Research Interest: protein engineering
what I want to be when I grow up: race car driver......just need to learn how to drive

Keagan hesse
alma mater:
dickinson college
Research Interest: epigenetics and cancer genomics
Thoughts on the Ticonderoga #2 pencil, The World's Best Pencil®: It's alright

jade law
alma mater:
northeastern university
side hustle: strava influencer
joung lab alumni
"You don't get old, you just become a classic."
ivy (Thuy) nguyen, tech
Karl petri, postdoc
ravi BAJPai, tech
hana kiros, undergraduate student
Kendell celement, postdoc
david ma, undergraduate student
Sofia ottonello, visiting graduate student
regan szalay, tech
chris woodilla, tech
justine shih, tech
peter cabeceiras, graduate student
julian grunewald, postdoc
jonathan hsu, graduate student
Nafiz hamid, post doc
Ibrahim cagri kurt, graduate student
pat exconde, tech
daniel kim, tech
Hyunho Lee, tech
Bret Miller, tech
Hayley Schultz, tech
hina shah, tech
lukas M langner, visiting medical student
sowmya Iyer, bioinformatician
Ronghao Zhou, Tech
Nick Perry, Tech
Rebecca Cottman, Graduate Student
James Angstman, Graduate Student
Jay Jun, Tech
Joy Horng, Tech
Sara Garcia, Bioinformatician
Maggie Bobbin, PostDoc
Russell Walton, Tech
Alex Sousa, Tech
Kanae Sasaki, Tech
Jimmy Guo, Tech
Oliver Cervantes, Tech
Benjamin Kleinstiver, Instructor
Stephanie Yeh, Undergraduate Student
Jackson Allen, Undergraduate Student
Jason Gehrke, Graduate Student
Jose Malagon Lopez, Postdoc
Shengdar Q. Tsai, Instructor
Ved Topkar, Undergraduate
Michelle Prew, Tech
Moira Welch, Tech
Nhu Nguyen, Tech
Samantha J Linder, Tech
Cyd Khayter, Tech
Nicolas Wyvekens, Visiting Medical Student
Vincent Martin Cascio, Tech
Jennifer Foden, Tech
Mathew Goodwin, Lab Manager
Morgan Maeder, Graduate Student
Jeffry Sander, Postdoc
Deepak Reyon, Postdoc
Cherie Ramirez, Graduate Student
Joshua Davis, Undergraduate Summer Student
Maureen Regan, Tech
Elizabeth Dahlborg, Tech
Stacey Thibodeau Beganny, Laboratory Manager and Senior Research Technologist
Sandra Fay-Richard, Lab Manager
Jessica Hurt, Tech
Andrew Hirsh, Postdoc
Rui Fang, Postdoc
Astrid Giesecke, Graduate Student
Edouard Kengni, Volunteer Scientist
Carl Göbel, Undergraduate Summer Student
Nicholas Bonnaig, Undergraduate Summer Student
Sandra Ahn, Undergraduate Summer Student
Tao Jiang, Postdoc
Magdalena Eichtinger, Postdoc
Megan McSweeney, Tech
Jonathan Foley, Tech
Long Le, MGH Clinical Pathology Resident
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